I know SRS for forwarding (lots of users reporting issues with SMTP services) is coming, and also what I am running into as well.
But if we set up smart host/smtp relays for mailing sending, does this basically mean the email server role is just handling storage/receiving? (of emails and user configs) I am trying to see about allocating server resources for the role but I don't want to do anything overkill if the email server isn't actually going to be doing any real heavy lifting email-wise. If it's just gonna be storage. Is the email server role used for anything else directly? Since SMTP relay will handle be handling sending.
I know on another thread was told email storage is not stored on the web server role, but the disk allotment for dynamic sizes (X mailboxes up to X GBs) is used using the storage allotment for that plan. i.e, plan is 20GB and they can use 5GB for email and 15GB for website or 10GB email and 10GB website. Why is this then if it's stored on the email server role?