I am moving a few sites across to my enhance servers.
One repeated issue i am having is the facility to setup a new website but have it leave the DNS and all other settings as is.
The way i move a site is to setup the new hosting space, transfer the site and DB across and then test it by using a hosts file entry on my machine.
After this is confirmed as all being fine i will then organise a time for the changeover. at which point i put the old site into maintenance mode, make a new db backup and transfer that across. then make the change to the A record so it is now pointing to the new server.
The issues i am having i think is just down to the defaults on enhance.
for example i would prefer enhance to link into cloudflare and read the dns records instead of replacing them.
I would prefer email to be turned off unless i specify otherwise, as i try and avoid any sort of email hosting like the plague.
I basically want more control over the transfer process than just click and go. as some of these sites need to be transferred at specific times in the evening due to the daytime traffic.
Any suggestions / recommendations?