Adding a template for the welcome page (immediately after adding a page to the enhance panel) and a 404 error page: page not found. I'm referring to a designer version of these pages, not as it currently stands.
System generated e-mails needs their templates too... Password reset, welcome e-mail, etc.
kess Agree!
+1 for web templates and email templates
I had mentioned about suspended pages and if possible coming soon page instead of the “default” page
+1 I really need this soon as possible.
Because right now i'm looking like company who not give a shit about default pages & etc.
+1 for me.
@Aliysa_Enhance Is this already in the plans? It would be nice if in Enhance it was possible to set and edit error pages, empty pages (like 403, 404, 500, etc.).
DracoBlue I can see that this feature is logged in our tracker but it hasn't yet made its way on to the roadmaps 'planned features'. With more fundamental features to tackle, I wouldn't expect this to be considered until the 2nd half of the year. Things do of course I'll keep this thread up to date with any updates.