+1 for this.
I take the opportunity of your post to quickly share my settings for shared WP hosting on BM servers and what I've learned from the support tickets with Enhance.
Keep in mind these are hard limits settings designed to prevent a malicious or extremely busy site from overwhelming your system.
vCPU : 12 (out of 24 threads)
vCPU in Enhance equals 100% CPU usage on 1 core or thread (hyperthreading enabled). How much CPU power we actually provide to our customers depends on the relative power of the CPU - its clock speed, and other factors. In my case, I have 16 Cores and 24 Threads so the value I enter here in Enhance would be based on threads (and not core).So I would enter anything between 1-24 vCPU. In my case I followed Kinsta and gave 12 vCPU access to each site.
nproc: For Apache, Maximum FPM workers plus 5 for user-driven processes.
IOPS: 2000 seems a good starting point.
IO bandwidth 20MB/s. If a site hits these limits the processes will go into D state and will hang until more IOPS or i/o bandwidth is available
PHP Workers. This is set directly through the FPM setting of Apache. For LiteSpeed, this will be available soon on Enhance maybe with LiteSpeed V2 next month.
Please double-check these settings because I'm not a DevOps. I'm sure some experienced members of the community can improve this and provide more insights.