digitalexpanse Fastly is good, has bypass on cookie and around the same TTFB as Cloudflare. Built on Varnish, which is very configurable.
Adam enabling it results in junk characters. tried all compression levels. Anybody has tried it already on Wordpress PHP.ini ( not cloudflare ) ? I am using PHP 8.2
Have you configured a specific WordPress plugin to utilise the brotli module?
Adam No plugin , thought it would work just like gzip etc . what plugin it need without conflicting with litespeed cache plugin ?
Did you turn on brotli.output_compression in your php.ini? It could be that the transparent compression is interfering with the LiteSpeed cache plugin (or vice versa). What if you disable the LSCache plugin or make a simple test page? Does the character corruption still occur?
Adam Yes disabling Litespeed plugin resolves the issue and it seems by default Safari is also not compatible with Brotli compression. so it's not available on every browser. Getting the error : “cannot decode raw data” (NSURLErrorDomain:-1015)
I found this thread and tried to enable it, but it appears not to be working. Does this apache support this?
I tried different combinations and nothing is working What goes in each field? Directive* Value Text*
Andreas Your php.ini editor settings will look like this and restart the PHP container. and let us know if it works for apache.
DIRECTIVE SETTINGS brotli.output_compression ENABLED (boolean) extension (text)
standtech Sorry for late reply, I did not see this reply. I found it cause I saw your reply in the Brotli vs Litespeed post.
I wanted to let your know what you suggested worked. Thank you very much.