Your thesis is just assuming you know anything about anyone else's business :/
We are all allowed to share our opinions here, just like you are allowed to share your requests here.
Here's my thesis:
For starters majority of the websites you deploy (using Enhance) would most likely be on a CMS of some sort considering it is a hosted "hosting platform". The CMS by default would setup the site on https://, so your theory is completely wrong.
Allowing the client to have the ability to turn this feature on at their own accord is much better.
You're over-invested in the SEO mind-games everyone is playing. Never forget; SEO is 99% about speculation. Cause any case-studies you see become invalid after one random google update.
nsevimov When you do not forward HTTP to HTTPS then Google and all other search engines take all pages from HTTP and HTTPS as duplicates and thus prevents their indexing and therefore the optimization for serps.
Open search console and show me these "duplicates" lol. This is false, what on earth kinda site are you deploying for it to be double-indexed. If the site is HTTP it won't be an indexed anymore is what google stated MANY MANY YEARS ago.