I am setting up a mail server and am am being able to issue SSL certificates for mail subdomain if the domain is in Cloudflare, however if the domain points to my DNS (glue and rDNS records properly setup), I am getting the following error:
Failed to issue a Let's Encrypt certificate for [domain name]: LetsEncrypt challenge failed for [domain name]: Some(ServerError { type: Some("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns"), title: None, status: Some(400), detail: Some("DNS problem: looking up A for [domain name]: DNSSEC: DNSKEY Missing: validation failure <[domain name]. A IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key [domain name]. while building chain of trust; DNS problem: looking up AAAA for [domain name]: DNSSEC: DNSKEY Missing: validation failure <[domain name]. AAAA IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key [domain name]. while building chain of trust") })
I may end up using CF integration but still want to learn why this is happening (love to learnand understand why everything happens). I am on a Netcup server (but no the root ones, though i can access it using root as user) and i read somewhere that to be able to issue Let's Encypt SSL server must have root access.
Is that the cause of the problem or is it something else?