I am setting webmail.example.com as Global Web Domain in Enhance Panel. Then an A record pointing webmail.example.com to my mailserver's IP address. After this a website for webmail.example.com is automatically created. Next step is to issue a Let's Encrypt Certificate for webmail.example.com, but I'm getting the following error:
Failed to issue a Let's Encrypt certificate for webmail.fastcloud.host: LetsEncrypt challenge failed for example.com: Some(ServerError { type: Some("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized"), title: None, status: Some(403), detail: Some(" Invalid response from http://webmail. example.com /.well-known/acme-challenge/_ZJEb2FmSVe0dX2EWp-J6iYuxXYWwFagJF3bo57qK3o: 404") })
Is this a firewall problem? Maybe I'm missing some ports I need to open?