I appreciate the responses. I went with option 1 until I can figure out how to properly setup a relay.
If someone from the Enhance team can chime in with some technical details, that'd be great. In my opinion, an integrated relay role in Enhance might be a valuable feature, specially for those who already have a clean IP, but want the freedom to move emails servers from time to time (for price, storage, speed, or other reasons). Also in the future, those clean IP's might be harder to get.
On a side note, services like Bablymail seem great - and fairly cheap (for now). That said, it bothers me that an important communication channel, like email, keeps getting delegated to fewer and fewer hands.
Reading through Babymail FAQ's they state that, "Mailbaby is designed to protect outbound email of webhosting companies and businesses from outgoing spam, email compromises, and in the case of webhosting companies clients emails who are compromised."
It sounds reasonable to me. I get where they're coming from. And I'm not picking on them. But ultimately THEY decide what "outgoing spam" is. According to Babymail, Marketing is "outgoing spam". What's "Marketing"? They decide.
If my customer's opt in to receive new products alerts via email, is that "marketing"? Ultimately Babymail, and services alike decide... and I don't like that. And it's personal thing.
I get that not everyone has the time and/or skills to setup a complicated software stack, like email, monitor or maintain in and a service like Babymail makes total sense.