Andreas Yeah there are some resources, nothing with completeness I've seen with a quick look which opens the space for a good pen tester to make something. (Hopefully decent and fair)
Here's WordFence getting pwnd
Edge WAF comparisons
This project looks close to what you wanted
This paper bashes on WP plugins in favour of their edge WAF (feels a little cherry picked) They also allow you to scan your own site: here
Any competent hacker will bypass all these WAFs, like in that first link. (if you first don't succeed, try, try again) Heuristic scans or even logical pattern matching will always fail as the stakes go up. We're trying to keep bots and script kiddies out, not state actors or bad ass keyboard warriors. As I said none of these solutions are 100% secure or infallible.
Just pick what works for you and you're happiest with.