The issue stems that we as a group do not know anything other than speculation on dates.
If there was a track record of hitting targets and deadlines, which there isn't I wouldn't be as fussed.
Furthering this, and compounding the problem further, is the lack of address of the issues faced.
A lot of this could be solved if Adam could come on the forum, or whomever of the team to post
a descript breakdown of issues faced, what's happening to mitigate the, etc.
The fact this hasn't been done, and the continued lack of transparency points me in the direction
that Enhance has lack of funding to acquire more developers, or as previously stated is just
a one man band of Adam, which by the looks of it, is where my money is going to be.
What gives me this presumption is that a few months ago, 4-5, there was a lot more staff on here
whereas now, those staff members outside of Adam, have all but disappeared. If Enhance can't maintain
some community communications with staff, it's either that the Enhance cannot afford to keep hiring
even support team members, or that the team is so overwhelmed and in so deep they cannot afford
the time spent away from trying to push out this stalled update.
As for cPFence, I applaud his and teams dedication to being a great and upstanding member here,
which we appear to have lost of a lot of flare for as a group of developers, hosting providers, and
Once again, I am not ranting on the situation implying that Enhance is a bad product, no, I am
just saying that the significant lack of comms, inability to hit any deadline for the last six months,
or the lack of features initially is a problem, which is actively turning this group against Enhance.
That could be remedied by some transparency, if it is the case that Enhance is lacking funding,
I'm sure a lot of us here could pitch in a substancial amount of money to the continued development.
We spend 3-6k per month on development man-hours for other projects, which I'd be happy to throw
their way if it meant a more consistent experience.
If the situation cannot be remied by 3-4 of us pitching in 3-5k per month, then there is a serious issue with how this project is being managed, as I've stated in the same time Enhance has stalled this update, we've built our fully-fledged out control panel for K8, with all of Enhances features and a lot more, in a much more complicated infrastructure with significantly larger code base than managing containers in docker.
If it is the case that they are laser focussed on release, and that is above all, fair enough, but it comes with
the caveat that a lot of people here will leave, and discredit Enhance totally, which sadly, I am edging
towards that way of thinking, I cannot base my business around maybes, and empty promises.
Once, again, I am not slating Enhance or their team, Enhance is a great product, just not anywhere
near as production ready as stated, fortunately we only hold around 10% of our customer base on Enhance
so it' isn't as impactful for us.