Thank you for taking a moment to read the Enhance forum guidelines. These guidelines underpin the Enhance community to help ensure a welcoming environment full of relevant content. By engaging with the community, you are agreeing to these guidelines.
- Act with respect and integrity - the Enhance forum is a safe and welcoming environment to all.
- Multiple accounts are not allowed, only one account is permitted per user.
- Suspended users are not allowed to participate in the forum under another account.
- Username and avatar squatting is not permitted.
Please refrain from posting or replying to any threads that include:
Links to third-party websites (unless approved by the Enhance team)
Slanderous language
Illegal content
Off-topic comments
Advertising (unless you are an approved Advertiser), self promotion, disputes and soliciting for business are not permitted.
Titles and assigned tags must match the content of a thread.
Help advance the forum by sharing solutions to threads on technical issues.
Keep posts aligned with the discussion thread and avoid going off-topic.
Before starting a thread, use the search function to check if there isn’t an existing thread about the same topic or issue. Duplicate threads will be locked and redirected.
Generally Enhance will allow advertisements on the Enhance forum for packaged services/products that integrate with Enhance.
- All advertisements must first be approved by the Enhance team. Please email, including the copy of your proposed post. Advertisement posted to the forum without prior permission will be removed.
- Advertisers/advertisements are at Enhance’s discretion.
- Advertisers must use their brand name and logo in their profile (username and avatar).
- Advertisements must be tagged in the official ‘Third party vendor’ category.
- Advertisers accept that Enhance takes no liability for inflammatory comments.
- Advertisers accept that Enhance will not intervene with disputes.
- Advertisers accept that Enhance can remove/edit any content they deem to be inappropriate.
- Advertisers must not imply a partnership or any form of relationship with Enhance. This must clearly be stated within the thread.
- Advertisers must not slander or draw comparisons to competitors.
You can help the team enforce these guidelines by 'Flagging' content/behaviour that you believe to breach theses guidelines. If you would like to report a specific member, please email
Enhance reserves the right to suspend any members breaking these guidelines. This is at Enhance’s discretion.