Hi everybody, i recently install Enhance panel+app+bbdd for example in panel.companyA.com, in a server just for that , for the panel only. Im not oferring emails and dns so i dont have those rol, Im using cloudflare. i configure phpmyadmin domian phpma.companyA.com, For costumers uses others servers rol bbdd+app . I successfully enter the websites and the portal php that i create in diferents servers for the client. i read that enhance have SSO so apparently routes the correct BD regardless in wich server is the BD. This is all for my clients. I have problems with a reseller package and phpmyadmin and control panel access I create a reseller package in a dedicated server, then create a costumer that is "reseller"(is not real costumer only me) , his domain is companyB.com But he cannot access to her own phpmyadmin and controlpanel, He can create websites successfully, he entered phpma.companyB.com in his cloudflare A record to his IP server ( where i create his reseller account). I do not configure staging domain neither as owner neather as reseller. Reseller must have his own portal? . Can someone give me some help, maybe im doing something wrong or had wrong concepts.