AdamM Probably related to the issue in VirtualHost config not applying for Nginx? Can't say myself as I only run Nginx. If yes, it is reported.
@Fidel commented in another thread this workaround for Nginx VirtualHost config, which works, maybe analogous for Litespeed?
Few of my sites went down due to this bug...
If someone needs an urgent fix, there are 3 things to know:
1) Nginx sites configs in v12 moved to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
New path for custom configs: /etc/nginx/vhost_includes
2) You need add a line in the end of server {...} block:
include vhost_includes/your-domain.conf;
Replace your-domain.conf with actual filename. Then restart nginx: service nginx restart
3) You can recover your old custom config from folder: /var/local/enhance/nginx/vhost_includes