Cloudflare tokens not shown after update
On the control panel server:
chown orchd:orchd /var/local/enhance/orchd/cloudflare.key
Central webmail not working
cat /var/local/enhance/orchd.json | jq -r '.email_secret.secret'
Then find your central webmail website, go to the file manager, edit public_html/config/ and replace the value of $config['orchd_key'] with the string from the above command.
This is only for the central webmail on the control panel server, it's not required for the mail.customerdomain that runs on every mail server.
Earlier backups not showing
If you are in the situation that backups created before the upgrade are not showing or cannot be restored, run on the backup server
apt update && apt install ecp-core
v12-upgrade fix-backup-permissions /backups
Where /backups is the path that your backups are stored.
This won't do anything but it will output some recommended commands to fix the ownerships and add users where appropriate. If you have any questions or problems please send a support ticket.
403 error on website
Enhance sets the group ownership of all known document roots during the upgrade process, however it won't follow symlinks. If you document root is a symlink, set the destination of the symlink to group owner www-data
, for example:
chgrp -v www-data /var/www/229471ad-c709-49f9-a86a-1e03dbbd78ea/app/public
FTP not working in passive mode
This can be due to iptables rules left behind by Docker.
On the FTP server, reboot or run:
iptables -F DOCKER
iptables -t nat -F DOCKER
Litespeed web server not running
This is usually a licence issue. Run:
journalctl -u lshttpd | more
To see the log. You can temporarily change to Openlitespeed by running:
appcd-cli change-webserver open-lite-speed
Then switch back when the licence issue is resolved.