I am running OpenLiteSpeed and realised my storage was very quickly filling up.
After some investigation, I found that in /var/local/enhance/openlitespeedlogs were 37GB of logs.
Can these be rotated to stop the build-up of back-dated logs?
Do you know which OLS log files specifically were using the space? I'm not sure if OLS rotates its own logs, if not we can add that functionality to Enhance.
There were mostly error logs in the form of error.log.2023_03_07.99 or similar.
Not sure if this is part of a bigger issue with either OLS or my server particularly but they were going back to early February.
We'll try to recreate this in a dev environment, it could be the default OLS config needs to include a parameter to automatically clean these up, or otherwise Enhance can clean them up automatically.
For now you could set a cron job to rm them.