As of now, the website limits and the email limits are separate, as we discovered in this thread:
I was thinking of working around this limitation/feature by giving my clients, which are for example in a supposed 20Gb email plan:
- 20Gb for websites,
- And a complimentary 20Gb for emails.
But I noticed that this is also not possible, since only the options are: Dynamic quotas or Fixed sizes. Both of them limit only each mailbox size and not the email account as a whole.
Right now I can only do for example:
- 10 mailboxes of 2Gb
- 20 mailboxes of 1Gb
- Or something fixed like this.
And if I choose Dynamic, they can create any number of mailboxes of 20Gb each.
Would it be possible to consider the ability to give clients for example, 20Gb of email space and that they could create any number of mailboxes they want with dynamic or fixed sizes up to that limit total (even if this limit is separated from the one of the websites). The dynamic mailboxes will use the space as they grow up to the 20Gb limit.