Hia, Can we have a DirectAdmin import feature like the cPanel one please?
Yes, this will be roadmapped soon. We just need to release the Plesk importer first.
Adam Yes we also looking forward to the DirectAdmin import so end of year goal is good. In the mean time, is there another way to move clients from DirectAdmin to Ehance, I assume just FTP Content but is there an email importer? Bit like one that will import any email into Enhance. Thanks!
Adam notbyet seen on the roadmap. And still waiting for it. Any news?
It would be awesome to have this for end of the year. September seems that Directadmin is raising pricing and less features. Also they deel to cut down on internal license where they Handed them out like cookies.
Easily achievable by end of year I think.
if you need testing stuff, i can arrange that, we have 4 servers that need to be transferred to Enhance. 800 websites in total.
Thanks, we will reach our to you nearer the time. Having live data to test with is very useful.
netology there is not a email importer like move some files and done, we use imap sync for this. To move WordPress sites it is easy to do with WP CLI. there is a tutorial on this community. Have a look: https://community.enhance.com/d/517-wordpress-migration-tool/9
netology DA => CP => Enhance If you have a Cpanel VM, you can migrate DA to Cpanel, then to Enhance. (if you don't want to do manual work)
Yeah, I already planned on spinning up a small cpanel server to migrate sites over, it's just more work.
Any news regarding the DirectAdmin import? I like to move all our customers to Enhance.
There's no ETA at the moment. Demand for a Directadmin importer has been relatively low compared to cPanel/Plesk but we have all the framework in place for cPanel/Plesk so it's not far off.
Migrating my remaining 2500 Directadmin accounts will take so much time that it is not realy doable to switch in a decent way. I understand, it also depends i think on continent but it is a pity.
I have also a lot of DirectAdmin accounts on multiple servers. Migrating with Plesk of Cpanel from DirectAdmin is causing me pain in my head......
This added to Enhance makes live easy.
+1 again
I would want DA support. I moved alot of accounts over from cPanel to DA these last 4 years
@Adam Can this be added? As you can see it is needed 🙂
@Adam Is this getting picked up? I don't see a response, so I take the moment to ask this.
We have 6 DA servers to migrate, it will help us a lot, and it should not take long as the framework is already in place?