you need to understand you are not the only customer, i'm not the only customer.
You already made your mind, in like 10 comments, that you hate email services, and you don't want anything related to mail, that's totally fine, but that's your case. we deliver around 2 million mails per month, without problems (trough cpanel, DA en very small Enhance for now), and our thousands of clients would leave us, if we tell them "go hire Zoho, Google Workspace or whatever.
You also already made your mind of not spending money on LS, i could use the same comments as you agains't people without budget for LS, but i won't, because i know there is market for hosting+mail, hosting+apache hosting+OLS, etc etc.
It's good your feedback and concerns, even tough you repeat them a lot as if they were the only truth (i feel like that), but as some needs redis, others needs S3, others needs OLS, etc, we all want Enhance to be a better product, to use it in production with peace of mind, and be able to offer this new setup to customers.