- Website IP restrictions in the Enhance Security Centre do not have any effect under LiteSpeed or OpenLiteSpeed.
Workaround: none
- Enhance does not automatically reload PHP when php.ini settings are changed.
Workaround: none
- When using OLS or LS on a control panel server, and creating a WordPress website on that server using the 'Add website' flow, you get an error or unexpected behaviour.
Workaround: Create a blank website and the install WordPress through the 'Apps' flow.
- It is not currently possible to downgrade a customer on a reseller subscription to a normal package (despite not having consumed any customers)
Workaround: none
- Blank lines in /etc/shadow file can cause failure to add websites
Workaround: Remove blank lines in /etc/shadow file
"drop-in plugins' are not shown in the WordPress plugin manager [8.2.0 core]
When cloning a website, staging websites are not listed as available websites to be cloned. [9.0 core]
Cron jobs that request a URL do not prefix the command with wget, causing crons to not run. [9.0 core]
When an email spam setting is changed, the mailbox quota is reset to '0'. [9.0 core]
Screenshots are taken more frequently than the defined setting in settings > platform. [9.0 core]
WordPress plugin manager is slow when lots of plugins are present. [9.0.1 core]
Domain validation on 'Redirects' is incorrect. [9.0.1 core]
While changing between websites and accessing phpMyAdmin, session cookies do not clear. [9.1.0 core]
Spam settings not saving correctly in Safari [9.2.0 core]