jayparalejas I have not tested yet however, the API docs do not state that: https://apidocs.enhance.com/#/email-client/UpdateEmailPassword
I tested it today and it's still working.
mendozal Thank you for testing! I tested this morning too and it's still working as expected.
I'm still using this. But after the v12 upgrade I'm getting an Unauthorized message when the plugin makes the api call. I even created a new token, no luck. Is anyone else having this issue?
mendozal Did you see Adam's post here? https://community.enhance.com/d/2420-version-1200-central-webmail-fix/5
I won't be upgrading to v12 for about 1 week but once I have I'll release a fix.
mendozal I just tested after upgrading and for me it's working as expected once the value for $config['orchd_key'] was changed.
Let me know if you're still experiencing issues!
ss88us thanks ss88us!
I just installed it at the newest Enhance V12 and it works perfect. I got first a 403 Error from the API, there I had to disable the orchd URL at the WAF from cPFence.
Thomas_W Hi could you tell how you disable it on WAF?
SeLi see https://community.enhance.com/d/2404-cpfence-ui-is-here-security-management-now-with-a-mouse/66
SeLi the whole description you find at the link from xyzulu. Here the short version. cpfence --ui 3 WAF Management 3 Disable WAF for Domain Enter the orchd URL 7 Save & Exit
Thanks everyone for interjecting with solutions to get this working. I appreciate it!
I reinstalled and tested again, and it's working fine now. When I tested right after 12.0.0 I was getting 403s.
May I collaborate with Spanish translations? I can send a PR if you like.
mendozal Absolutely! Everything is waiting in Github for translators 😊
Hi , could you also implement the filter tab into roundcube? That it will be possible to add mail-filters. This would be great.
SeLi I use the managesieve plugin for that.