wpflys Thanks. It took me a day to figure that out. I have never used cPanel in 30 years of hosting, so I had not utilized that importer in Enhance. It may be this is "normal" behavior.
It has been a bit odd. We imported 3 sites so far. It appears it simply imports the file structure as-is, and so httpdocs becomes the doc root. However, we have had issues with that, and so I did a chown and chmod on httpdocs in all 3 cases. That seems to have fixed it. I am not sure it was fully necessary, but sites 1 and 2 were wonky and did not work well after import.
I believe it is important to state that in the case of the Plesk import (and perhaps cPanel is the same?) that the doc root will be httpdocs instead of public_html.
The import of the databases, email and content all seem to work fine. It will be a bit odd for devs, moving forward to see some sites running out of public_html, and others (imported) running out of httpdocs... with an empty public_html folder sitting there. I see some support tickets in my future.
I believe some clear pop-ups with "hey, this is what to expect" might be useful, or clear documentation overview of the process and what to expect after import, would be useful.
In any case, I can now turn down yet another aging and failing Plesk server much more quickly.