10.4 Core
Ability to disable the 'Screenshot' service on a per server basis. (Servers > Manage > '...' > Screenshots)
This feature defaults 'On' for servers with more than 2GB on RAM.
Removal of persistent Screenshotd service for reduced memory overhead. Website screenshots are now handled by Appcd.
PT-BR language pack improvements.
Gmail auto-configuration styling improvements for configured records.
cPanel imports can now handle MySQL usernames up to 80 characters where the destination MySQL variant is MariaDB.
Issue downloading SQL backups through the Enhance panel when the MySQL variant is MariaDB 11.
Enhance will no longer attempt to back up ServerHostname websites which resulted in a false error in the activity log.
Backup errors are no longer logged where a backup is already in progress.
Website soft deletion now tolerates FTP accounts which do not exist on the server.
cPanel importer no longer skips directories called "php" or "mail" if they are outside of the root of the home directory.
cPanel importer can now handle directories without owner write permissions.