WordPress is now officially starting to support SQLite as documented here. It's still in early testing. It means all we'll need in future is a web server with PHP to run WordPress.

With the fact that it will no longer require a MySQL database server, I thought it would be good to get this onto the roadmap. I'm more concerned about the 'management side', i.e. using for example Adminer or phpLiteAdmin to manage the databases.

Once this has been fully supported by WordPress, I will be using SQLite in favor of a database server. In the meantime, I intend to test their integration on a smaller subset of 'basic' WordPress websites and use phpLiteAdmin to manage the databases whenever needed.

    Wow, I wasn't aware of this. I read all your links with great interest. Thanks for sharing.

    ss88us Hi, I don't seen any reason why this wouldn't work with Enhance. One thing to bear in mind is that some of the tools in the WordPress toolkit rely on connecting to a MySQL database.

    I'm going to pass this on to the dev team to see if we can officially support this.

      Aliysa_Enhance Thank you Alisya,

      Please forward these commands to the development team as they work on my SQLite installation. I'm not sure what information they need, but I think they can be used to pull all the data they might need via the WP CLI:

      WordPress Version
      wp-cli core version

      List plugins
      wp-cli plugin list --fields=name,description,status,update,version,update_version,file --format=json

      List users
      wp-cli user list --format=json

        ss88us Will all plugins follow and support SQLite when WordPress officially supports it?
        What's your personal ETA for official support?

          Adrien If a plugin does not add it's own tables to the database, that plugin will work by default. If a plugin creates its own tables, then they'll have to check it works with SQLite or change it however, once WordPress officially releases support for SQLite, I imagine developers of plugins will follow to make sure it works to deter people jumping ship of their plugin.

          For example, Yoast SEO creates it's own tables within the database and I can say with 99.99% certainty that Yoast will support SQLite because the creator of Yoast is a contributor to the WordPress SQLite code.

          I imagine full support to be released within 12-24 months however, as WordPress as already refactored code so it works with their own tables, technically, it's 'ready'.

            ss88us This is very promising. If we can catch that train early with Enhance that would be fantastic for our businesses and customers.

            a month later

            Adrien Hi Adrien,

            I haven't had much luck with the individual plugin however, I have with the Performance Lab plugin which originally pushed SQLite support out.

            Both my websites are running on SQLite. One is using Beaver Builder and the other is using Brizy. Both are working however, Beaver Builder needed modifications.

            The SQL database needed to be modified to accommodate the new database tables but once they were done (took about 1 hour), everything is working as expected.

              ss88us Hey buddy, thanks for sharing all this. I don't have the level to test SQL your way, but I hope you're enjoying it and seeing its value for WordPress. It's great to have someone with your experience around so that when WP is ready for SQLite, we can chase you with questions ;-)

                Adrien Absolutely. I'm currently developing a few things, but one is the ability to convert MySQL databases to SQLite format. Once I have everything stable, I'll post in the forum so everyone can test 😃

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