xyzulu I just did the update, everything is fine. I had to do what Adam wrote above.
DracoBlue I'm doing a test upgrade on a backup server now..
All done! I notice Enhance has new/specific version of appcd (and other packages) for 24.04.. so make sure you complete the install, reboot, update, and reinstall/install the new packages.
I did that. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to update the database, etc. 🙂
I'll do another test on a production server (after a backup) and then upgrade my control panel server.
The best option. I first created a snapshot and then did the updates. It's always worth being cautious, especially since there’s no control panel replication yet.
I'm finding it necessary (to remove the old kernel) to run: apt --fix-broken install .. after fixing up the repos works best.
apt --fix-broken install
xyzulu Check if DKIM enabling and disabling is working for you; if not, use apt install --reinstall opendkim
apt install --reinstall opendkim
Also had to perform all steps adam listed + run apt --fix-broken install before running apt upgrade, after installation of 24.04. I run Netdata and needed to unmask the service and run netdata reinstall script. Otherwise smooth process
apt upgrade
It's great that updating Ubuntu with the Enhance panel is so easy. I can't wait for features that will allow database and other services updates as well.
Adam Can you update the official documentation on updating the kernel to 24.04 LTS?
Luuk Can you update the official documentation on updating the kernel to 24.04 LTS?
This guide could be helpful. Remember to always take a backup before updating.