Adam On this same topic ... How can I set up a default ~/.bashrc for all websites that get created on a server? (available to the SITE_USER of each respective website)
I'd like each site to have a ~/.bashrc and a ~/.bash_aliases
I'll be adding the typical command into .bashrc to source the .bash_aliases file.
I plan to have default aliases and functions in the default .bash_aliases file, so that each site has those available from the get-go.
ALTHOUGH (in addition to the above) ... for default bash_aliases (usable on all websites), am I understanding correctly that I can simply add those to /var/enhance_container_images/jammy/etc/bash.bashrc
Can I add this to the /var/enhance_container_images/jammy/etc/bash.bashrc
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
... and then add a .bash_aliases
to the same folder, and thereafter the aliases and functions in that file will be available to all websites deployed?
Does that bash.bashrc
file get over-written at any time? Such as during any Enhance updates?