There are a few things people speak about when talking about backups regarding Enhance:
1 Enhance controller backup (this is the VM/Server control panel runs on).
Currently, there is no way to replicate it somewhere else, and if the server fails, you will have a big problem if you do not have a backup.
What I do is I run Enhance in a VM on ESXI and back it up with Veeam. (simple and efficient), if something fails, I restore the VM, power up, and keep going also Veeam allows me to restore it on a fresh ESXI if, let's say, the server has a hardware fault. I install ESXI (5 minutes job) and restore the VM (ready to power up.)
2 Backup Client data, some providers use the backup server as the name suggests as a backup, a secondary place where data is placed in case of main HOSTING server failure.
If an account fails (data loss, user's fault, etc.), you restore data from the backup server; if a backup server fails, bring another server, move all sites ROLE to a new server and keep backing up.
Other providers use the backup server for versioning and history. Let's say you have a server with very active sites, like eCommerce, and you want at any given time to have 30 points of backup going back; in this case, you need to backup the backup server, as in case the backup server fails, you lost your 30 days backups. Some providers in this case, can backup the backup server ๐ And this is where all the additional tools come into play,
I do not need it, as in T&C, I clearly specify that it is the client's responsibility to keep a backup of the data from the server. We offer backups as a complementary service. (others offer eMail service as a complementary service, included in the hosting package, this is why the eMail service was neglected for so long as Enhance was never considering eMail service as a Core product that was supposed to be Professionally packaged and displayed until now, even now some of the guys here will tell you, that eMail should not be offered, but the same goes for backup, you can let client sort out Backups ๐ )
So, in reality, Everything you need Enhance has it. Do not stress too much about the custom work others do for very particular scenarios ๐