I noticed that Enhance supports Ubuntu 24.04 and has reduced the server's RAM requirements from 4GB to 2GB.
LiteSpeed offer a free Enterprise licence for VPSs <2GB. I tried it on a VPS with 2048MB RAM and can confirm it works. 41% RAM was used in the installation; after installing one WordPress website, this went up to 61%. You can get LiteSpeed Enterprise licences from: https://www.litespeedtech.com/
Wishing everyone a good weekend.
Reduced RAM requirements now mean LiteSpeed Enterprise is available for free!
meditatingsurgeon that's a pretty awesome find!
Great work from Enhance team
- Edited
I'm curious from people with more experience:
Can you handle more requests/s with under 2GB memory and enterprise vs say 4gb memory and OLS? Enterprise has more workers etc but with such little memory does it even matter?
Or is the point of this a free way to get better htaccess support and the performance would be inferior to OLS with 4gb memory?
The enterprise version limits to 1 domain... And 2GB of memory is not a lot, if your website works well with OLS, I don't feel the need of moving to LS.
JohnB - If you look at LiteSpeed Enterprise Web Config on port 7088 (not sure if you can do this on OLS). LiteSpeed set a hard memory limit of 2047MB. I've never tried changing that and never needed to. There has always been a performance improvement compared with NGINX (GT Metrix C to A)and Fast Caching and (although less so) OLS (B to A). This is with Advanced configuration preset on both but with workers configured on Enterprise.
So I'm not sure there would be a performance detriment in 4GB vs 2GB unless it was a particularly high-traffic site.
But the main point of the post was - I've got LiteSpeed Enterprise on a $20/year Epyc Milan VPS, and wanted to share the news!
Thank you Enhance
dinhphucv - Yes one domain but unlimited subdomains and Enhance make managing subdomain apps so easy! Plus I don't think WP_MEMORY_LIMIT can go above 256MB even if memory_limit and upload_max_filesize are set to 512MB. The only time I have ever needed to do that was with a multisite installation.
Many providers on forums such as LowEndTalk offer 2GB VPS on cheap annual deals (lot more deals with the lower memory VPS's in my experience).
Well done Enhance Team.
If LiteSpeed bumped the free license RAM limit to 4 GB, we’d have a RAM party!
I've been running the enhance controller on a 2gb VPS with 1 core and also a 2GB VPS with Apache/MariaDB, for a single dev Opencart site for about 3 months. Never had any issues with memory and the site is quick.
OLS also works perfectly.
ecknz - I've used a 2GB VPS for the backup server following advice from the community but was never brave enough to try 2GB for hosting until I saw it was official. Not disappointed at all. I think it will be nice and relatively inexpensive option for those clients who want their own VPS/IP (though I think docker containerisation is fantastic).