I think everyone is missing the point.
OP is saying...
By default it is installing and saying 'localhost'. It is strange that we have the capability, and that enhance even creates the dns record for it but does not implement it into the WP install.
I think the expectation was for Enhance to auto-adjust the WP-CONFIG file to the hostname if you decide to move it to another control panel. And by default having it NOT set to localhost might make it slower; so that is out of the question.
Considering only the host should have control over where the database is, and having US do the manual labour work i think is fine. I actually would vote to get rid of that dns record, im sick of deleting it lol.
My Vote Solution:
Similar to how we have a DNS TEMPLATE. We should have a WP-CONFIG template.
I personally have to turn ON wp-cron all the time, because enhance installs it OFF by default. Very annoying.
A lot of themes and their demo import for some reason only works if WP-CRON is enabled.