When trying to move the backup role (and only) for a website to another server, I get the following error:
[02:40:02 09/02/2024] Provisioning website 59a0605a-0d38-483b-b093-76a3b74e9303 to role Backup on server fe7d3f4c-188e-4eb4-8ef0-09de8130cc1c prior to website migration [02:40:02 09/02/2024] Re-creating btrfs subvolume [02:40:02 09/02/2024] Re-creating user on bkupd [02:40:02 09/02/2024] Authorising website keys [02:40:02 09/02/2024] Migrating role data for Backup from 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 to fe7d3f4c-188e-4eb4-8ef0-09de8130cc1c [02:40:02 09/02/2024] Transferring backup role data [02:40:02 09/02/2024] Generating move key [02:40:03 09/02/2024] Authorising transfer key on destination bkupd [02:40:03 09/02/2024] Transferring snapshot snapshot-1724595194574 data [02:40:03 09/02/2024] Data migration failure: internal: "Error { kind: RsyncGeneralFailure, entity: Some(ProcOutput), message: Some(\"stderr: Could not create directory '/root/.ssh'.\\r\\nFailed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/root/.ssh/known_hosts).\\r\\nrsync: change_dir \\\"/backups/59a0605a-0d38-483b-b093-76a3b74e9303/snapshot-1724595194574\\\" failed: No such file or directory (2)\\nrsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1205) [sender=3.1.3]\\n\\nstdout: sending incremental file list\\n\\nsent 24 bytes received 12 bytes 72.00 bytes/sec\\ntotal size is 0 speedup is 0.00\\n\") }" [02:40:03 09/02/2024] Cleaning up failed backup transfer from destination server [02:40:03 09/02/2024] Removing btrfs subvolume from server [02:40:03 09/02/2024] Removing bkupd user from server