DracoBlue Watch out for Wasabis 'Time deleted storage' terms. They charge to delete storage... Advertise $6usd per 1TB, but charge $30usd to delete retention backups......

    DracoBlue I moved to storj.io, and the prices are much better.

    Their pricing is 4$ / 1 TB just to store it, and if you want to download it, it will cost you 7$ / 1 TB !?
    I don't get it. isn't this more expensive ?

      adil Wasabi rounds it up to 1TB, even if you don't use it all. Storj charges based on actual usage. I was paying $7 for Wasabi, while for Storj, I’m paying $1.

        I see, so you are not storing much, Yes indeed it will be cheaper on Storj.

          DracoBlue Wasabi makes you pay that extra storing fee even when you delete files. So i got rid of it. My backups were going upto 5TB because of this.. 🙁

          So is there any update to the roadmap? any delays? are we still due for this month?

            slimx It is unlikely that version 12.0.0 will be released this month.

            slimx why not just read what the website says.

            It’s not the end of the month.

            Hi all,

            I'm afraid there will be a further delay to v12. We're still perfecting the update process from earlier versions of Enhance to 12.0.0 to ensure that it's completely safe and non-disruptive.

            At the moment I'm unable to provide an accurate release date but from discussions It sounds like we're talking weeks. I'm hoping as more information is shared I'll be able to pin point a date to share with you.

              Uh oh. Wait for the moans now.

              Impatient folk who don’t understand development can incur unexpected delays….

                Aliysa_Enhance Thanks for the communications and the details.

                I understand the delay in doing an update that needs to be safe, but this will push forward any minor hotfixes or small features. I understand that the reengineering of v12 acts as a bottleneck, i understand that we cannot have OLS persistent if OLS service need to be changed, but not having a single update from August 1st dosn't help to digest the wait, not even the initial account setup popup fixed... overall I still remain positive, but I wanted to tell you my thoughts. Fingers crossed to see a great v12.

                Aliysa_Enhance Hi Aliysa,

                As a very community-oriented platform, I believe that you and we as the community, would love and will help us understand the situation if you can share a bit more developer details on what is happening and why this version is a few months behind. Letting us know some details will help us plan our own roadmaps.

                XN-Matt There’s not much to be surprised about, because it’s not just a one or two-month delay, but much, much more. We are also receiving conflicting information, first that it’s almost ready, then that it’s not, and so on.

                  DracoBlue Sounds like it's ready for new installs but issues with updating existing. I'd rather they delay than spend manhours fixing issues after releasing something not quite ready!

                  That would further slow everything down and is counter intuitive to what people actually want

                    Late issues in the release cycle can happen in any development environment, even after it has been released.

                    They'll set a date based on the sprint and if during that final build testing something new is discovered, it can push things back a little, or a lot, if more refactoring than expected is due.

                    It's just all these posts asking for updates when there is a good enough releases page right there, which is being updated.

                    The impatience is just petulance. It'll happen when it happens. It's the same people that would massively kick off by installing a release that then broke things because it had unexpected outcomes and those who install immediately and blindly (without doing their own testing) as soon as something has been released.

                    If Enhance had promised to release by a certain date, sure, people can get annoyed but they never have.

                    XN-Matt I believe those who express frustration, yet appreciate the product and understand development, "moan" because certain quick-win fixes and highly requested features are taking longer than expected.

                    While I understand this is a huge rewrite and I would rather wait patiently for a stable update than pushing the team as enhance "as is" today is a still amazing and I am running so many websites on it, it is really good to manage. Bugs are there no doubt but tell me one application that is 100% bug-free.

                    I am curious about 2 things here.

                    1) Will be containerization of websites which lead to isolation of websites be still there? (Forgive me if this is a dumb question)
                    2) Can there be a 11.X.X maintenance release which solves some most pressing bugs that forum has been voicing out in between or will it ruin everything?

                      Aliysa_Enhance Do I read this as 'upgrading from version 11.0.4 works, but upgrading from older versions can cause issues? If so, isn't it an option to only let people upgrade to 12 if they are on 11.0.4? I would also think there is an upgrade process in place that does all the old upgrades before going to 12....

                      This is the second time I see you guys delaying an upgrade because older upgrade paths are not running smooth.. This makes me wonder about the update/upgrade system you guys developed, now it looks like you need to start from scratch every time a new version is developed..

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