LordKurgan Agreed! I love Enhance and what they are doing, I have no problems with the update timelines or anything. Although the EMAILS are the only thing that is not production ready at the moment in my opinion.
Right now I am running websites through enhance without an issue at all. I run mail through cPanel though because clients just seem to have issues for various reasons on Enhance. Then when it does run, spam complaints come through.. 'Should I adjust the spam setting lower they say'. cPanel clients hosted connect to outlook and you never hear from them again.
Would love to see Enhance have similar mail features to cPanel (Track delivery, email delivery, spamassassin as the main ones).
It seems like there are a bunch of email features on the road map, yet not for some time. Its slighlty baffling to me, if email was sorted first you would have a solid product, emails included.