Thanks all for the suggestions. To ensure I understand correct and also for others can see the information on this post in full, here goes the correct way to update OLS:
Step 1:
Download OLS latest version. On all WebServers that use OpenLiteSpeed run:
docker pull litespeedtech/openlitespeed
Step 2:
Update OLS. Here you have 2 options: you can update all OLS servers centrally using SSH on the CP or login each OLS server and update “locally”.
2.1- To update using the CP:
On the Enhance CP server, run:
appcd-cli* change-webserver open-lite-speed
*Replace with your OLS server IP.
2.2- To update locally each OLS server:
appcd-cli change-webserver open-lite-speed
I think all the above is correct and this is the correct way to update OLS.
Can anyone please confirm?