laudenbachm I agree... I learned the hard way years ago with a community site that the user system and overall security sucks. I'll use WordPress for simple content only sites but nothing with a portal for users to use.
Unfortunately, I am not a programmer.
I think a problem with the wordpress community is the majority of its users and plugin installers are either not programmers or bad ones. This creates a community where bad developers learn can easily sell bad quality plugins.
For example, I won't usually use any plugin that has had past SQL injection vulnerabilities in the last 10 years because it shows complete and utter incompetence from their developers and review process.
However, most users and average/bad programmers won't even review past vulns before installing, much less know what they mean. THAT is a community problem that doesn't enforce and encourage properly secure plugins.
Its 2025, certain security failures should be the end of a plugin/company. However, what I usually see is "thanks for the quick fix you guys are the best!" facepalm