Honestly, I wish Enhance were priced at a more enterprise level just to filter out the childish complainers. The value you get for the cost is incredible, yet some people in this forum act unbelievably entitled.
I hate to say this because it shows my age, but I remember starting in hosting back in 2003, running into an issue with cPanel, and eventually getting on the phone with Nick (the creator of cPanel) to troubleshoot and resolve it together. I love young software, and watching it grow and mature.
Since then, I’ve built and sold four hosting companies, and my current experience with Enhance is more of a proof of concept, maybe even the start of a fifth venture. Who knows. People truly don’t realize how good Enhance and its team are, even as a small operation.
Enhance team, take your time. You have built a great product. It is true you could use a little more help in the PR and customer communication front, but honestly if that is the biggest issue, you are doing a good job.