Kosta need system built in enhance to show end users when their data has been accessed by support team (us), what data has been accessed and changed
You're asking for a system level feature here.. and.. what you are asking to the best of my knowledge isn't something any "panel" has implemented anyway. You'll need to dig in to linux logging and the different levels that are available. In other words, the depth of logging you are requesting is never going to be possible in Enhance (in my opinion). Enhance is a control panel, not a linux systems management tool.. you might need to lift your server admin goals a little higher.
Side point, why do you give Enhance access to your server? And if you had a valid reason (ie you broke something you need them to fix), just block their IP address or remove the SSH key afterwards. It's all a little strange.. you trust Enhance enough to install their software (and updates) yet you don't trust them to access your server directly. You've got to give some degree of trust even in a secure environment.
PS My reply is a little simplistic, but your feature request doesn’t feel well thought out.