I'm hosting Bedrock sites on Enhance, and while they work absolutely fine, the "Discover existing" function does not find a valid Wordpress install, and this is with a stock Bedrock. My guess is that even if it did manage to find it, a whole bunch of the integration functionality wouldn't work, as the path structure is pretty different.
While it'd be lovely to take advantage of the shortcut for accessing the admin section, I'd disable almost all of the integration features (plugin / user / theme management) anyway, so I'm not sure it's a great loss? I really haven't played with the integration piece enough to know what I might be missing. I use MainWP for managing sites already, which has worked fine for several years.
I'm also not sure how they'd support the idea of installing a Bedrock site - you absolutely shouldn't be using Bedrock like that, it should live in a Git repository and a build of it should be deployed to your server.