I have my domain integrated with Cloudflare, when we make changes on the enhance panel it updates the cloudflare dns records.
I just setup an email server, and I went into Enhance, websites, the website i wanted, Domains, and there i clicked to Enable Email Authentication, DKIM. It shows the DKIM records it wants to add, and the instructiosn say I need to go to my dns provider and add the records and it may take 48 hours.
If cloudflare is integrated, then you don't need do that, as the integration seems to add the records for you. So the message needs to be improved to say if you have cloudflare integrated that (if) it was successfull, here are the records we added, they're already added for you, congrats etc.
Also, in Cloudflare itself, when I look at the record it made, it has a little warning triangle icon beside the record. Hovering over that it says:
The content field of TXT records must be in quotation marks. Cloudflare may add quotation marks on your behalf, which will not affect how the record works.
It says this for both txt records enhance made, the one for the domainkey, and also the one for the spf record.
So it seems the integration should put txt records within quotation marks when it syncs them but it is not.
On the enhance domains dns records, then I edited the txt records to put quotation marks around them, and i clicked save. however when the page refreshes it looks like the quotation marks have been removed.
So this processes needs improving please thank you