JohnB yeah, minimal effort as expected. When something like this happens, I always just hope it's something a DC tech can handle like a power cord that dislodged itself lol
I got IPMI access, but haven't had a lot of time yet to dig in. So far I'm kind of seeing what the DC guy saw, the BIOS isn't reading any os to boot into.
The only remaining issue on the recommissioned server is with the dns manager not loading (spins out and errors). Adam said he can fix it, but since there's like 60 sites he's gonna script the fix when he gets a moment.
Adam also mentioned that the recommission action doesn't fix DNS. I thought that was part of the restore process and a big part of what I hoped it would handle, so that's disappointing. He said it will do that in a future release though... Actually if the DNS manager didn't completely break on these sites then manually updating those wouldn't have been so hard. I am going to need to run many more test on the restore/recommission feature.
I think I saw that the restore didn't bring any crons over too, so I'll probably need to go set those up manually.
Time to put another pot of coffee on 🤯