Agree with all your points except:
no to jetpack + wordfence : showing plugin options to our clients will push them to install these. Personally I don't use jetpack and wordfence (though I think jetpack is automatically being installed by WooCommerce now). I would prefer to see, like in other CP, the possibility to create boilerplates with predefined plugins chosen by the host (and not enhance). When you create a boilerplate, it connects to WP repo and you select each plugin you would like to be added.
I don't need any of these personally and don't want to maintain them. I'm fully focused on WP. Maybe Nexcloud or a very selected few.
100% + Gzip. I think Gzip isn't automatically installed right now.
Reg the editable area visible on the customer dashboard, I need this too except the "News" part because we have a website for that.
I just want to be able to add some short notes:
on each customer profile.
on the package plan to add some options/services I am selling separately which aren't managed through enhance. Example: Maintenance Plan, CDN Bandwidth included and so on.
Maybe on a bar that appears on the top of the panel with a short message that one can close.
As for the news part which will involve more editing options and text, I prefer to post directly on my website blog. I keep my editors outside the Control panel.