We worked it down to High io wait, but couln't explain why it happens the server i tested are :
1) Da + CL server with 120 ~ websites running Load 12
2 Enhance server identical with server 1 with 10-20 Websites running (low traffic owned by me) load 120
3) Enhance server different hardware load 70-80 10-20 low traffic websites
I performed the tests using loader IO on the same cloned WordPress installation, Packages have the same limits for DA and Enhance servers.
Loader IO results on DA server
Success 597610 Timeout 1667
Loader io Enhance 1 - Similar results on Enhance 2
Success 3879
Websites on Enhance Gave 503 Error after a while, DA - CL website no errors.
Other observations are that workers do consume more CPU in Enhance servers and are under user 99 when in DA consume less and are under apache user and run in suexec
Cache files are in a user directory in DA when in enhance are not, cache in the Enhance server reached 30 gb during the test on one page
On my observation the issue is from the missing su exec and/or something is not working correctly with the cace.
Other on this post had similar experience so seems to be an ongoing issue