I've noticed a couple of things today as I was using the move server. I'd recently setup a new backup server and as I set all sites to use the new server, leaving everything else on default. It's moved all the backups <3 but I noticed one of my websites ended up switching servers. That wasn't my intention, my intention was to leave all sites, databases, emails where they are and only set all domains to use the new server. If default means use the default server for a role, we need a don't change option. (and none from different ticket)
Likewise, a date and time of the completed and in-session moves. I am looking back through the log and I can't tell if more sites moved just now or if that was from a different time before. (date/time started + date/time at end could offer a duration time too at bottom of log)
Also, what about a cancel and/or stop button? In the pending queue we might see a site that shouldn't be moved, and could cancel it before it's a problem.