jeff We have actually used ModulesGarden to write custom integration for some things, such as SmarterMail (back when we used it).
It might be better to reach out to ModulesGarden and request such and integration. They typically take 3-6 months to write a custom framework for things such as this, and in SOME cases, they will turn it down.
The main problem is the cost of the initial development. I am not sure at this point, I would want to front such a cost, particularly for truly open-source code...
I also, do not think that WebPros will be swift to write integration for a new panel such as Enhance. They barely maintain some of their others, such as the Interworx one. And even the Plesk one has some issues, thus why Plesk-Extended ifrom ModulesGarden is a better, but much pricier alternative.