If this was made a feature I think it should be optional. Personally I don't want staging on different hardware if I am testing performance optimizations or comparing performance between current vs new site etc.
JohnB Thats why it was suggested as a Role. This way you can specify what server the role will be assigned too. Just like application, DB, mail, DNS
I hope that made it clear.
Andreas I misread the OP. Yes that makes sense. Good idea.
This is a great suggestion +1
+1 for me
I think, submitting your staging domain to enhance cluster settings and then moving it to the desired webserver is what you want.
lefteris No, the OP means an actual server where all staging sites reside before they are moved to the "live" server when pushed live/in to prod.
The way to achieve this would be to create a "staging" plan which has the Staging websites resource and provisions to a server group containing only the server(s) you want to use for staging. Then create a "live" plan which only provisions to the non-staging servers and only contains the Websites resource and not the Staging websites resource. Subscribe your customer to both plans. When they create a staging website under the staging plan it will be placed on the staging websites. When they "push live" to the live website it will be placed on the live web server group.
Staging websites
Adam That is an interesting idea. I wonder how easy it would be to automate this from WHMCS setup... Thanks for this work-around we can try at this time.
8Dweb it will need.module rework, same for other billing platforms, and it won't work with resellers , there has to be a better way 🙂