came here from google search. i'm looking to assign my enhance control panel a dedicated ip, hetzner calls it a floating ip. hetzner requires you to have both a public ip and this floating ip on the sever. so for those of you saying you only need one ip per server, that's wrong.
when you setup the server at first, it is assigned one ip and then you have to do configuration to add the floating ip.
I want to do this as i want to have the same ip in the future if we need to move the server or whatever happens. Mostly what got me thinking about this is we're setting up cloudflare integration with enhance, and we are restricting the api token to the ip of the enhance control panel. and if we are going to be setting up each domain with its own api token and restricting its ip then we want to use the floating ip here and not an ip that can change.
Anyway, my question is with the server having multiple ip's how can we ensure enhance will use a certain IP for its outgoing traffic, like to talk to cloudflare, or for mail servers or customers that want a dedicated ip