In response to the questions:
We’re using a fairly new Intel Xeon build, we build and ship our blades to collocations. The build has specific settings, bios changes. After this, we’ve got our own Ubuntu build on 22 now, it’s had a lot of changes to affinity etc, optimisations made in terms of scheduling etc.
I’m obviously not going to just leak my own companies secrets, but there are currently two people I know who have higher or similar performance and they’re both WordPress hosts.
Avoid AMD, there are just annoying chips to fine tune and are often nerfed into oblivion by hosts like Vultr, Google etc. Most of the times, the AMD lineup are heavily optimised for concurrency not pure thread speed.
Whereas the Intel lineups with cloud providers perform better, generally, if you’re going to ship to colo always go Intel, they’re way more configurable and can be optimised way better than AMD can - most likely why compute based models use Intel over AMD.
There are obvious changes you can make to the PHP config, MySQL changes don’t always equal more / faster performance, mainly improves concurrency etc.