Zoinkies I agree with you, and these three providers are used by most small web hosting businesses nowadays.
I find Google and Vultr super expensive. So, I'm left with Hetzner, one of my favorites, but there's always something wrong with their network, and I never get the network quality their AMD 5950X deserves. Vultr gives you this network quality/low latency.
Eventually, I moved to an AMD 7950X with another provider a few weeks ago. I hired the Litespeed team to do a server check and optimization, and the overall results are promising. But this costs me almost double the price of the Hetzner 5950X...
It is a headache for small companies to find a suitable server for WordPress, giving them an edge over competitors. On top of that, according to what I read, the infrastructure cost, in general, may double over the next 2/3 years. I hope not, but I kept this scenario in my business plan.
Here are some solutions to explore:
1/ Enhance offering ARM processors to its clients before anyone else. This would give us an edge for at least 2 years.
2/ A group of Enhance users join hands, identify deals together and book as one BMs with a provider.
3/ Enhance Team, who probably has a broader network in the industry, would help us connect with the right provider in the UK capable of offering 5 GHz overclocked boxes or something unique, giving us an edge.
I see more and more Control Panel teams getting involved in helping their clients find the right supplier with the correct server. I know it's not their mission, but I see the Gridpane team doing it, and I think that's a good initiative in helping their clients succeed.