XN-Matt There’s not much to be surprised about, because it’s not just a one or two-month delay, but much, much more. We are also receiving conflicting information, first that it’s almost ready, then that it’s not, and so on.

    DracoBlue Sounds like it's ready for new installs but issues with updating existing. I'd rather they delay than spend manhours fixing issues after releasing something not quite ready!

    That would further slow everything down and is counter intuitive to what people actually want

      Late issues in the release cycle can happen in any development environment, even after it has been released.

      They'll set a date based on the sprint and if during that final build testing something new is discovered, it can push things back a little, or a lot, if more refactoring than expected is due.

      It's just all these posts asking for updates when there is a good enough releases page right there, which is being updated.

      The impatience is just petulance. It'll happen when it happens. It's the same people that would massively kick off by installing a release that then broke things because it had unexpected outcomes and those who install immediately and blindly (without doing their own testing) as soon as something has been released.

      If Enhance had promised to release by a certain date, sure, people can get annoyed but they never have.

      XN-Matt I believe those who express frustration, yet appreciate the product and understand development, "moan" because certain quick-win fixes and highly requested features are taking longer than expected.

      While I understand this is a huge rewrite and I would rather wait patiently for a stable update than pushing the team as enhance "as is" today is a still amazing and I am running so many websites on it, it is really good to manage. Bugs are there no doubt but tell me one application that is 100% bug-free.

      I am curious about 2 things here.

      1) Will be containerization of websites which lead to isolation of websites be still there? (Forgive me if this is a dumb question)
      2) Can there be a 11.X.X maintenance release which solves some most pressing bugs that forum has been voicing out in between or will it ruin everything?

        Aliysa_Enhance Do I read this as 'upgrading from version 11.0.4 works, but upgrading from older versions can cause issues? If so, isn't it an option to only let people upgrade to 12 if they are on 11.0.4? I would also think there is an upgrade process in place that does all the old upgrades before going to 12....

        This is the second time I see you guys delaying an upgrade because older upgrade paths are not running smooth.. This makes me wonder about the update/upgrade system you guys developed, now it looks like you need to start from scratch every time a new version is developed..

          manu I am curious about 2 things here.

          1) Will be containerization of websites which lead to isolation of websites be still there? (Forgive me if this is a dumb question)
          2) Can there be a 11.X.X maintenance release which solves some most pressing bugs that forum has been voicing out in between or will it ruin everything?

          1- Yes, websites will still be containerized natively, just as they are now, with no changes to this feature.

          2- If the Enhance Team releases fixes for version 11 only, it means they would have to reapply those fixes for version 12, which could lead to duplicate work.

          blestaclub Sounds like it's ready for new installs but issues with updating existing.

          Exactly, the main issue lies in one line from the roadmap: “No data migration is required for this update.”

          Nickske00 Do I read this as 'upgrading from version 11.0.4 works, but upgrading from older versions can cause issues? If so, isn't it an option to only let people upgrade to 12 if they are on 11.0.4? I would also think there is an upgrade process in place that does all the old upgrades before going to 12....

          This is the second time I see you guys delaying an upgrade because older upgrade paths are not running smooth.. This makes me wonder about the update/upgrade system you guys developed, now it looks like you need to start from scratch every time a new version is developed..

          The challenge isn’t for users on older versions but rather in updating from the latest v11 to v12. Transitioning servers from Docker-managed to systemd-managed services without a data migration step or downtime is quite complex.

          I hope the Enhance Team considers opening up beta or even alpha phases to help with this transition.

            cPFence I hope the Enhance Team considers opening up beta or even alpha phases to help with this transition.

            Beta testing is needed and must, to those oversmart kids let me educate you, some users who's frustrated are not against enhance, or even team, rather handling of development phase of complex and large revamp in my opinion not needed currently as there are much more pressing matters that needs attention, anyways back to the point,

            one production branch which will be for stable release, a slow but steady development and to address micro features, bugs, and medium-high priority features which require less development time.

            second branch will be beta, in which more aggressive development will occur, very new/experimental features will be added here and real world feedback will be collected which is crucial to any software development lifecycle..

            third, team will parralally work on revamp and never disclose this until its almost ready and ready to push.

            Users who do not understand business please do not dis-respect users who's just expressing frustration, rather understand thier situation that they might have busniess to run and has plans to deploy based on this release and its features. Also, please keep supporting team and lets wait some more patiently..

            cPFence The challenge isn’t for users on older versions but rather in updating from the latest v11 to v12. Transitioning servers from Docker-managed to systemd-managed services without a data migration step or downtime is quite complex.

            I read 'We're still perfecting the update process from earlier versions of Enhance to 12.0.0 to ensure that it's completely safe and non-disruptive.' If the problem was only with the latest version there would be no need for the plural of version.

              Nickske00 I read 'We're still perfecting the update process from earlier versions of Enhance to 12.0.0 to ensure that it's completely safe and non-disruptive.' If the problem was only with the latest version there would be no need for the plural of version.

              Obviously, they already have a stable upgrade path to the latest v11, so users could simply be required to upgrade to the latest v11 before moving to v12.

                cPFence Obviously, they already have a stable upgrade path to the latest v11, so users could simply be required to upgrade to the latest v11 before moving to v12.

                One would assume that, but why talk about versions then and not version? It's why I asked the question if the upgrade from 11.0.4 works and older versions are maybe giving problems. 😉


                  The issue lies in the transition from services running in Docker containers to running directly on the host, with no downtime or data migration. It’s more like a puzzle.

                  Looks like you are not getting my point, so I looked up an old reply from Adam.
                  In this message he states some people are still running older versions. This makes it look like they always have to write a whole new upgrade routine for all older versions. I would think (as a developer myself), the system would use the current upgrade routines available. Because, you know, they are already there. So, let's assume you are still on version 9.10.0, in my mind the upgrade would go as follow:

                  9.10.0 => 9.10.1 => 9.10.3 => 10.0 => 10.1 => ...etc

                  now it just looks like they always try to jump to the recent version,

                  9.10.0 => 12.0.0

                  An insight in the upgrade process taking place at the moment would be greatly appreciated. 😉

                    Aliysa_Enhance We're still perfecting the update process from earlier versions of Enhance to 12.0.0 to ensure that it's completely safe and non-disruptive.

                    @Aliysa_Enhance Thanks for the update, why not just block upgrades from earlier versions before v11.0.0 or which ever earlier versions are not working until you have perfected the upgrade progress and allow those who are on current versions to benefit from the fixes/improvements?


                    I understand your point. But since Enhance currently has no issues with clients on older versions upgrading to the latest v11, I don’t think they would delay the v12 upgrade just to enable direct upgrades from older versions straight to v12!. They could simply instruct users to first upgrade to the latest v11, then proceed with the manual CLI upgrade to v12. Anyway, @Adam can likely provide more clarity on this than I can.

                    Nickske00 You are right. Since it worked from lets say v1 to v2, there is no need to go back to v1 so it can upgrade to v12. That would mean more delays. Assume you are now upgrading to v50. So you will have to ensure v1 to v49 can upgrade direct to v50 safely, which I think is a lot of work that is not worth, but I am not an expert here 🙂, Adam is!

                    But either way, enhance is the only way!!!

                    Thanks for the update! More than happy to wait for a stable release. If your not happy, well, I mean, you can always go to back to cPanel or Plesk 😂😂😂😂😂

                    I know the delay in deliveries is frustrating, and it’s understandable that some of you are considering other options. But let’s remember that Enhance has always delivered in the past, and they’re working hard to fix things. Instead of jumping ship, give them the time they need. Things will not only get back to normal but improve, and when they do, why go through the trouble of switching back later? Let’s ride this out together.

                    Kinda like they take the time needed. First gonna test enhance with everything when v12 comes then in near future i will take my first server when i am certain then all servers go on it but no hurry. Eventually, I hope it can fully replace mailcow aswell but not daring that risk yet as groupware functions are not released yet.

                    But future looks good I hope they get as big as others.

                    Follow @enhancecp