No, it's for people to have some bloody self control and understand that development doesn't always go as planned.

People keep repeating the same thing over and over again is boring, tiresome and archives nothing. Such a waste of energy and time.

    XN-Matt we see different roots to similar problems, one doesn't alter the other

    XN-Matt understand that development doesn't always go as planned.

    Im a freelance developer for a living for over a decade, so I understand this. Most people here understand this. No one has a problem with this.

    People (clients, customers) need updates and a why there is a delay or they complain and lose trust. Its human nature if you are actually waiting on something.

    This thread and the comments will repeat until Enhances realizes this and commits to better communication. Notice I said better communication not faster development or no delays lol.

      JohnB "commits to better communication"; that's actually what matters most now. I know the team still answers support tickets rapidly, but they communicate far too little in this community, which they built themselves. I'm totally standing with the Enhance team, but I still have to say that, if you build a community for your product, you take good care of it, as it's a part of your product, and the base of your reputation. Sometimes, you fail to communicate, you might fail the future of the product.

      And, failed to keep the timeline three months in a row and still postponing the Roadmap one month at a time is a very bad strategic failure as well.

      I'm going to pay my $5 bill today. Yes, a $5 bill. Before everything's settled down, I think most people won't bring their productions into Enhance, which will result in minimal bill amounts. This, won't be healthy to this product either.

      I still have faith and good wishes on the team, @Adam and the fellows, but you really should try to talk more in the new year, if you still want to keep this community.

      Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone here!

        JohnB People (clients, customers) need updates and a why there is a delay or they complain and lose trust. Its human nature if you are actually waiting on something.

        But you have the update. They've already disclosed why this is running behind. People just seem to either not accept it or want the constant repeat of the same information. It's REALLY simple, the dev work is behind due to unforeseen issues they've encountered. How many times do you need to be told this?

        They are updating the roadmap with the best guess estimate they have at the time.

        There is really nothing more for them to keep repeating.

        It's such strange human logic that people need to be repeatedly told an "update" when they already have all the information to hand.

        I actually think the worst thing they could have done is set any sort of timescale on the roadmap, it sets expectations when that may slip (i'd say is the case with 90% of dev work). The irony is that the timescale was set because of the constant moans of the community. So by doing what was asked, has effectively caused more issues because of a very impatient and small number of customers.

        <hopeful> I wouldn't be surprised if v12 is actually ready to go but they didn't want the support load during the Christmas period. </hopeful>

        It doesn’t make sense to push this to them, as I believe none of us would want to receive version 12.0.0 with bugs. We're in the development industry, and sometimes issues arise that change our plans and impact the entire development cycle.

        The problem with threads like this is that they often do more harm than good, especially for newcomers who might start thinking that Enhance isn’t production-ready because of delays in the roadmap.

        The truth is, many professional hosting businesses, including ours, rely heavily on Enhance, and it has proven itself in production time and again. While there are certainly features we still need and areas for improvement, overall, we’re very happy with the platform as it stands and are more than willing to wait for a stable update when it’s ready.

        The difference between those of us who are satisfied and those who feel frustrated often comes down to three things:

        1. Expectations vs. Readiness!, We evaluated Enhance as it is today and only implemented it in production after determining that its current features were sufficient for our business needs, even while hoping for improvements in the long term. On the other hand, some users adopt Enhance even though certain features critical to their business are not ready yet. This often leads to frustration when roadmaps shift or delays occur. While it’s understandable, it’s not ideal. Always evaluate software based on its current state. Roadmaps aren’t guarantees , development can take unexpected turns, and big delays are sometimes necessary to ensure a stable product.

        2. Some other users were smart enough not to bring Enhance into production until it has the features they absolutely need for their business. Instead, they test it by moving a few sites over and they started experiencing the power of Enhance. However, they become frustrated by the lack of certain features and complain, hoping to speed up development. Unfortunately, this can backfire, doing more harm than good by repeatedly mentioning on the forums that Enhance isn’t production-ready. If it’s not production-ready for your needs, that’s fine, but for many of us, it absolutely is. We want to support Enhance and help it grow because our servers are tied to it , we’re all in the same boat.

        3. Some users don’t have specific feature needs but assume that delays in updates or roadmap changes reflect unprofessionalism or neglect. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The development team has been transparent about the challenges with v12, particularly "scope creep" that required additional improvements and new functionalities to ensure the release is stable and secure. Naturally, each addition requires extensive testing, security audits, debugging, and more. We all know how Enhance has been delivering frequent updates and improving rapidly over time. When they hit a roadblock with one major release, it’s not fair to throw all the blame on them!

        Revisiting these topics repeatedly doesn’t help. It harms Enhance by discouraging newcomers, some of whom might leave prematurely. I know we all love Enhance and want to see it succeed, but opening these threads over and over isn’t the way to support it. If you have questions or feedback, the best approach is to open a ticket and share your thoughts directly with the team.

        That said, I personally think the current roadmap format could be improved. Switching to quarterly updates instead of fixed months or dates would be more practical and realistic. Just my two cents.

        4 days later

        Hello all!
        Here I sit on the outside, looking in for quite some time, about to buy a license just to help out. I'm ready and eagerly waiting to launch with multiple servers and equipment but scared that going from the current version of Enhance to the version I want, the 12 version, might just be a nightmare. Hence this is why the constant delays with the v12 release I believe it to be.

        I also want to get away from cPanel right now and today would be good! Haha! I guess we have to either start with Directadmin or webuzo as our mult-server virtualized environment sits mostly unused and costing us hundreds by the month.

        Oh well, Trucking on... but .... I'LL BE BACK! I have hope and faith! 😉

        PS - I want CSF as well so I'm not interested in Ubuntu at all since UFW would have to be removed but current Enhance needs UFW from what I gathered.


          Don’t worry, v12 won’t be released until it’s fully ready with a smooth upgrade process. The Enhance team is smart enough not to release it prematurely, no matter how much the community pushes them.

          If your business relies on a multi-server virtualized environment, you can’t go wrong with Enhance. As I always say, managing cloud clusters with DirectAdmin feels like pulling teeth, while with Enhance, it’s a breeze.

          Regarding Ubuntu vs. other RHEL distros—wait until you hit the end of life for those distros. You’ll be forced to destroy your entire DirectAdmin server fleet one by one, rebuild new servers with new IPs, and migrate all your clients. We've been there several times, and it’s a total pain in the neck for weeks.

          Meanwhile, Enhance users can simply upgrade 20–30 servers to the latest LTS version while enjoying a cup of espresso—all in about half an hour.

          Need to add a single new server? With DirectAdmin, it takes hours and is a boring manual process. With Enhance, you can add 10 new replica servers in half an hour, fully optimized with your favorite web server, PHP settings, and everything else. Not to mention the backup restore functionality with the 2025 Btrfs style vs. the 1990s style of other backup systems, or the way we seamlessly transfer websites across servers with one click, while DirectAdmin/cPanel users spend hours doing the same.

          For us, these features alone sealed the deal and made our decision a no-brainer.

            cPFence Yes, I get it and it's why, with all the positives you mentioned and more that I noticed, I want to run with Enhance so very much. It's too bad the developers didn't know the limitations of docker. That will be remedied once they get V12 out. I applauded them for taking the time to fix this and do it right!

            With CentOS 7 I believe we had to start over to go to v8 with different servers. It's actually easy to go from let's say, Almalinux to 8 to 9 for example with the quick and easy Elevate/leap. I did that on all our cPanel servers last year and I had no issues at all. I'm betting that Almalinux 9 to 10 will be just as smooth.

            I can say one thing at the moment, that is, I am now thinking to offer multiple shared hosting platforms since all this investigating into what to replace cPanel with. Let the customer choose! Of course, I'll have to make some nice comparisons of each, so it is not overwhelming and confusing to the customer to choose what is good for them. Well, that's one reason my customers stay with me. I walk them through anything they need.

            I just bought an Enhance license and I am about to deploy the 1st kvm with it. I'm mainly testing and playing for now to see how it all works. I think the biggest issue for me is that if I start with Enhance on Ubuntu and then go live with some websites, it will be stuck with Ubuntu. I realize down the road in maybe 6 months; they will start supporting other distros OS like Almalinux. I can't wait anymore.

            Maybe I will just start out with Enhance v11 and when V12 is released with the features I want and ability to run on Almalinux for example, I'll just create a separate Enhance cluster running v12 and the move any production websites over to it. Sounds like a plan!

            Also, cPFence, you are the one that turned me back to even giving Enhance a try at this point. I have read nearly everything there is to read about Enhance including the forums at this site. I read almost everything your website as well. I think with your product added to Enhance; I'll have most of the features I am used to with CSF minus the port and Country stuff. The basic firewall of Ubuntu is fine to open and close ports as needed so I'm good for now.

            I would like to thank you for the many explanations and help you have given to the fellow Enhance users, as it has helped me too already!

            15 days later

            You Can you not, your just spamming everybody involved in this post. When its ready its ready, until then just have some patience

            10 days later

            I think is time to update month with +1 in Roadmap

              btw why threads get deleted just with single click? for 1 day i saw 2 deleted threads ...


              Welcome back! Didn't you mention last time that you moved to DirectAdmin? Are you reconsidering Enhance now, or just curious about the upcoming v12?

              In case you missed it, Adam already mentioned that v12 will only be released when it’s fully ready, whether that’s this month or even two months later. The date on the roadmap is more of a hopeful estimate.

                cPFence I moved away and glad with my decision but before i move i installed Enhance on client VPS who pay for managed service.

                I’m not surprised that many people find this frustrating, as they’ve been waiting for new features all this time, and version 12.0.0 hasn’t even been released yet, let alone the rest. It’s not just the release of 12.0.0 that’s delayed, but all the other planned features that many users care about. So, I can understand the frustration some people are expressing, as this isn’t just a 1-2 month delay, but something much longer.

                Anyone who knows development, knows these things take time. I support the Enhance team fully and would prefer a solid release than an unstable one.

                Follow @enhancecp