Kosta For cp backups I never seen in my setup cp to be backed up in enhance backup server. Imagine all my cluster gets infected from some hacker I prefer to have something on the side I to recover completely from this kind of disaster. And from my research veem seems good option to me, just to have one backup server veem to backs up OS drives from main servers at least like DNS, CP etc. I am wrong with this ?
The vulnerability in your plan is that if a hacker infects your servers with time delayed malware. Its not uncommon that malware chills for a week or month so that images are affected. You're screwed if its ransomware and you haven't been testing the backups to see if they actually restore.
If you just install fresh Ubuntu, enhance, restore SITES, you don't have this risk. Backups of sites are more easily reviewed and tested than a full server image.
That said I 100% agree that you shouldn't rely on Enhance backups (or any vendor). Enhance backups use btrfs snapshots though and those can be exported into a tar file. The backups files are just the website files and a mysql dump so its not a proprietary format. You can make a script that restores the sites to a normal LAMP stack if you wanted to.
So backup to enhance backup server then export the btrfs snapshots to another server or S3 etc. Can be automated.